Welcome to Fermented Leaves. That’s right, no cigar news or reviews here.
The mission of Fermented Leaves is to offer a different side to the world of cigars. A more philosophical approach. We can search and find over 50 cigar news and review sites so I don’t need to add my take on an already crowded space.
Aside from providing my own views on the cigar industry (blogging) I also will bring what I call “Intercigarviews”. I have read and seen hundreds of interviews of cigar makers and reps but very little on the consumer. What makes them smoke? Why is it important? What is your favorite memory?
I am a true cigar smoker. I live and breathe cigars everyday. I consume content like fat kids consume candy. The industry is kept alive because of these every day lovers of a premium hand-rolled cigar like you and me. They need to be heard.
Going down this road has been enlightening and surprising.
I have always been a devout reader and since I took up cigar smoking, in 2014, I have added reading while enjoying a fine cigar. I came up with the idea of reading aloud at the same time because I do this often with my children as I taught them to read. Could I incorporate reading aloud various essays, papers and stories focusing on the world of cigars? On Youtube? I am going to give it a shot. Fermented Leaves Youtube channel will be called “Reading Leaves”. My hope is that in the future I can bring in actual chapters from published cigar books and guest readers.
Lastly, I decided we needed a fresher look at cigar art. In conjunction with various artist we have come up with cool designs for apparel and cigar accessories so I am really excited with what we are coming up with and hope you will enjoy it as well.
There is a book in the works as well……Stay tuned.
I am also working on a monthly giveaway to reward readers because again, I Just love the world of cigars and giving to me is a lot of fun. Stay tuned and even better please submit your email to stay informed of the prizes.
As I continue this cigar journey my goal is to always promote the industry of cigars. I have still not set foot in a cigar factory but I feel like I already have. My hope you will see this passion and adopt it for yourself. We need to make sure that future generations will have the chance to reap the rewards of tobacco and find that same enjoyment in their own lives.
Thank you for reading and may the cigar journey continue.
Check out the About page to see how Fermented Leaves came to be.