Fermented Leaves was the product of. smoking many cigars on my screened lanai. In my countless hours of enjoyment I began researching every nook and corner of the cigar world online.
I noticed trends and quite frankly some areas of stagnation. I began to take notes highlighting the areas that haven’t been explored and what areas will do good for the cigar industry.
After a year I came up with the name Fermented Leaves for obvious reasons. From there I began to move forward in the three areas I wanted to start the website with. InterCigarViews. Leaf Readings. Cigar Art.
It has been a slow grueling process. To get others to see your vision takes time. Whenever I would hit a wall I would just light up a cigar and be calm. I would find a way. It would remind me what many cigar makers go through in their daily lives.
Ultimately my love for the world of cigars kept me going. My hope is to continue to add value to this amazing industry and have this site continue to grow with guest blogs and other works from cigar artist.
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